Manage Spending

Imagine categorizing and saving that status of every dollar you spend
With only a few swipes or clicks, in real time as you go about your business. You don’t have time to forget where the money went because it’s saved and organized for you as your using it.
One that alerts you as often or as rarely as you prefer whenever your balance is low, scheduled payments are almost due, or there’s unexpected activity in one of your accounts. Imagine being immediately informed whenever your spending strays too far from your stated priorities. You can’t overspend because you always know exactly what you have, in what form, and what’s due next.
Viewing it by week, month, or year, broken down by category, or time of day, or payee, or amount. Keeping track of money spent, how much, where, and when, is often the most challenging part of any effective budget, but it doesn’t have to be. It’s always up to you what to spend money on, but better information means better choices.
Choosing default categories or customizing some or all of them as you see fit. Imagine a spending tracker that remembers those categories so that it gets smarter and faster the more you use it. Imagine using that information to anticipate future spending and help analyze where you could find the most savings.
The ability to easily track spending by family member, category, or location. Enter the information however you choose or simply record the receipt with your phone camera the same way you deposit checks remotely.
A spending tracker that integrates seamlessly with any other financial tools you choose to utilize – communicating across subjects with a single username and login of your choosing. It’s finance, personalized. Simplified. Unified.
A proper disposable income definition would say something like: “disposable income is the money left over to an individual after deducting their tax obligations.” That’s accurate as far as it goes, but it fails to capture something rather important about the term “dispose.”
“Dispose” and “disposable” cover a great deal of ground in the English language. We dispose of dirty diapers. We dispose of nuclear waste. We dispose of bodies we don’t want the authorities to find. We can also become favorably disposed towards someone based on liking the same music, appreciating the way they handled a difficult situation, or simply finding them easy on the eyes. We feel powerful when we dispose of obstacles with little difficulty. We may decide to accept an invitation from someone, if we’re so disposed.
How do you want to “dispose” of your “disposable income”? Should it leave you feeling like you’ve just changed a diaper, or like you’re shaping your own quality of life and building your own future with each decision? Do you want to manage your average monthly spending, or just do your best to juggle the fallout, wherever it all happens to land? Do you want the tools at your fingertips to make the tough decisions and claim the big wins, or merely stumble along and hope it all somehow magically works out?
Goalry continues to grow and prosper by remaining faithful to the same vision that brought us into existence in the first place. We believe that with the right information, access, connections, and tools, most of us are perfectly capable of taking more effective control of our personal or small business finances. Whether it’s building a budget, taking out a personal loan, or investing in the future, we believe in the power of unified finance to make personal and small business finances more understandable and more efficient.