How Can You Participate in Participatory Budgeting
Participatory budgeting is not the same as a personal budget. Instead, it is a process where the municipalities of a certain area and organized neighbors agree and jointly decide the priority of public resources. It is a way to strengthen the relationship with the neighborhood, fostering their participation in public management and in making decisions about investment priorities that contribute to district development. Many cities will often inquire from citizens if they want to help define the community issues that need some of the city budgets as a means of providing a solution. That is where you would come in.
The Steps
There are a few steps to consider first, which includes:
Laying the groundwork – choosing the appropriate budgetary process to participate in
Knowing the rules of participation – this includes the process, rules, and time frame
Gathering citizen input – work with syndicates, organizations, religious leaders, and other intermediaries in the community to learn about specific community needs
Share your ideas – from what you have learned about the community needs, you can use that information to come up with project ideas
Setting up the votes – keep adding ideas that the budget can handle and that you can vote on
Community results and next steps to take – find out which ideas were accepted and which ones were given the largest share of the budget
The phase of implementation – turn your ideas into a strategic plan and take action steps to carry out those plans
Creating a budget cycle – this should be something that occurs at specific times of the year when you can participate in ongoing projects. This will result in a strong local democracy
Participatory Budgeting: How To Participate
In the initial phase, it is important to choose the best type of participatory budget and also how you will engage as a citizen. Your approach will determine the outcome. The primary goal should be decided right away. This should include distribution of funds, educating other citizens, and interacting with them about all the details involved. You should also determine your project ideas and what you will be able to contribute. Once the project has been launched, you will have enough information to vote wisely.
Improvement Projects
How can you adequately participate in the consultation on participatory budgeting?
You can present improvement projects in the neighborhood or town where you reside and/or have a link of belonging, being able to manifest said link in the neighborhood, cities, and towns, in addition to your city of residence. For example, you could present projects in the neighborhood where you work, where you study, where you have your business, and of course where you live. You can participate in the citizen assemblies to define the projects of each neighborhood or town. You can also issue your opinion on the days the citizen consultation is held.
Democracy Mechanism
One way in which citizen participation is expressed is through the implementation of direct democracy mechanisms. The intention of these exercises is to involve society in decision-making so that it can decide on the actions that its authorities have taken or will take. The call to carry out these exercises at the national level corresponds to the Executive and Legislative powers, while at the subnational level, it can be made by governors and Congresses. In some countries, citizens can also promote them, and although the citizens are the main actors with convening power, political parties generally also take a proactive role in promoting them.
So far, the most widely used mechanism in several countries has been popular consultation. Its function consists of asking the population about an issue of public interest so that it expresses its acceptance or rejection of the proposal of its representatives. However, they have to take into account that just as there are relevant issues that affect an entire country or neighborhood and have national scope, there are also problems that are reduced and limited to very focused territories. The direct democracy mechanisms that have been used are basically three:
Popular initiative and
Revocation of the mandate
The Public Debate
In the case of Consultation, two subtypes can be distinguished. First is the one that consists of the government entity asking citizens about projects or public policies that have not yet come into force, or about measures that have already been implemented and have generated a public debate. You can get involved with the public debate so you can have a voice for others in your neighborhood. It is a popular consultation on political matters of great importance and also serves for citizens to decide “between accepting or rejecting a proposal that concerns sovereignty.” A characteristic of this is that the result is not binding, that is, citizens do not have the last word; instead, they can only issue an opinion.
The Referendum
The second subtype of consultation is the referendum, which consists of submitting laws or administrative acts to the direct popular vote for their ratification. This instrument will give you and other citizens the power to approve constitutional changes related to the budget, and also implies that people can participate in the legislative process through direct consultation. The referendum does have a binding character and is not purely consultative, which means that it is necessary for the result to be complied with by the governments, regardless of whether they agree with the decision issued by you and the other participating citizens. With the referendum, you would acquire the power to decide, which can finally be translated into citizen empowerment, since it submits issues of national or sub-national interest to the benefit of the people.
The Decision Making Power
Given that with the referendum, the decision-making power is transferred from the governments to the citizens; its implementation is usually carefully observed by citizens like yourself and those who promote it. In the vast majority of cases, budget implementation has been controlled by the governments themselves, who decide on the modalities, define the issues, and the date of their application. They also formulate the question and decide the necessary percentage of citizen and legislative votes required for its approval. When this happens, every phase of the process can be manipulated.
Government Control
One way to counteract the governments' control over the budget consultations is when they are implemented from below, that is, through a popular petition from citizens. In these cases, as a citizen, you can request that some laws that have already been enacted or that are intended to be sanctioned are submitted to a consultation. In some countries, faced with certain measures that are going to become law, or when the constitution is going to be modified, the application of a referendum is mandatory.
Popular Initiative
In the case of popular initiative, the instrument confers on citizens the power to propose a bill or reform initiative before the legislative power. This exercise encourages that the prerogative does not fall exclusively on the executive or legislative power, which implies that the popular representatives are not the only actors who have the competence to propose legislative initiatives. As a citizen, you can petition to force certain measures not included in the legislative agenda to be submitted to the direct approval of the electorate. In the event that the measure is approved in a referendum, it will have the force of law, even if the government opposes it. Citizens have more power than they are aware of.
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The Mandate
Then, there is the revocation of the mandate. This modality allows you and other citizens to decide on the continuity or removal of an elected representative before the formal end of their term of government. In the world, this exercise has been implemented basically at the local level and with much less frequency at the national level. The interruption of the mandate that this instrument allows can reach both heads of the government and legislators, by leaving without effect their power to continue exercising the position.
As anticipated before, it is important to note that all these direct democracy mechanisms not only promote participation in things related to politics but can also empower citizens, since, through them, they acquire joint responsibility in making budgetary and other public decisions once they decide to have a voice in the debate and in the definition of policies. Likewise, these mechanisms allow you to intervene in the promotion of legislative initiatives, introduce issues on the governments' agenda and, also, grant or deny a vote of confidence to its popular representatives.
The Policies
The application of the participatory budget has allowed citizens to select metropolitan policies that will be addressed by their authorities in the short term. Although the opinion of the inhabitants of the territorial demarcations is already considered, it cannot yet be affirmed that this type of exercise promotes greater political participation, nor that it has allowed exercising authentic social control over a part of the resources managed by the municipalities. It is possible to consider that this mechanism has contributed to greater citizen empowerment. In any case, the instrument allows the inhabitants to propose a reduced number of items that are introduced in the agenda of the delegation heads.
In order for the participatory budgeting exercise to achieve most of its objectives (convocation, debates, and presentation of citizen projects, choice of items, budget allocation, program execution, and evaluation), a series of conditions must be met. One risk that distorts this exercise has to do with the lack of transparency since opacity in the management of resources is a common practice when the comptrollers' offices or citizens do not fulfill their role as vigilantes and auditors.
On the political side, a commitment is required from the authorities to include citizens in decision-making and in the definition of regional problems that must be addressed. With regard to social capital, citizens must be willing to participate wholeheartedly. In order for competence, the capacity and professionalism of bureaucracies play a central role in order to achieve the objectives set forth on more than just a political playing field.
The participatory budget has allowed citizens to assume joint responsibility in defining public issues and problems that must be addressed as a priority for the sake of the community at large. Given that it is a variant of the consultation designed so that the inhabitants of a territorial demarcation select some areas that require urgent attention, if the instrument is executed correctly, the population can redirect a minimum part of the expenditure towards the attention of certain items, propose their own projects and, also, issue an opinion to rank some of the issues on the agenda of their governments.
Some groups of citizens have already begun to assume joint responsibility in the definition of public issues and problems that affect highly focused territories, in addition to the fact that they can redirect a part of the expenditure or budget towards the attention of certain items that they consider urgent to attend to. In addition, citizen intervention is key in three phases, as stated in this article:
- The debate and the proposal of projects
- The decision on some items that should be taken care of by their authorities
- The monitoring and evaluation of the exercise as a whole
It has also been pointed out that institutions and officials such as the Head of Government, the Legislative Assembly, and heads of delegations can intervene in the execution of the participatory budget. Other bodies that support the implementation of the budget can block representative participation, but it is only in rare cases.
Homeownership helps seniors lock in housing costs so they won’t have to worry about a shift in the rental market. However, some areas that have high property taxes or ones that grow quickly from one year to the next will discourage you from owning a home. States may help retirees limit the load of property taxes by giving circuit breakers or exemptions. These exemptions can help seniors protect part of the home value from property taxes. There are usually income limits so households that earn more than a certain amount won’t be eligible for these exceptions. Circuit breakers also have the same effect as exemptions. These can limit the amount of property taxes that can be increased from one year to the next.
Property tax deferrals can be helpful for homeowners as well. The deferrals will allow a senior to put off the payment of some or all of the taxes until a later time. These may be deferred so they are subtracted from the home sale and they don’t come out of a senior’s income.
Regarding the size of the territory, these budget exercises are generally applied in not very extensive demarcations (municipalities, mayors, political delegations). Regarding the availability of financial resources, it is necessary that the percentage of the budget designated for the attention of the selected areas, although marginal, is available. Regarding the legal part, the regulatory frameworks must regulate the functions and responsibilities of the citizens involved in each of the phases of the process. Regarding political decentralization, some minimum requirements have to be met so that local governments can act with some autonomy from the central government.
If the initiative comes from a sector of organized civil society, the consultation can take two forms: on the one hand, a proactive nature, if budgetary laws are allowed to be promoted or allowed to decide on an issue. The other is a reactive nature, if you can participate in repealing any law that has already entered or may be enforced, or if you can revoke the mandate of an elected representative and separates him from the position before the end of his term of government.
When it comes to participatory budgeting, the opinion of the citizens is expressed through a consultation, and once they choose the topics, their governments allocate a part of the budget they receive to the attention of the items that have prioritized the majority of the participants. Similarly, under the participatory budget, citizens can also propose their own projects to be considered in the consultations. If the inhabitants of the territorial demarcations or municipalities make use of these prerogatives, they can influence, although in a very tangential way, in the definition of the public problems that must be managed.
These consultations have been implemented basically at the local level. If you want to know more about how to monitor your own monthly budget, go to the Goalry Platform online and enter the Budgetry store. You will be met with a host of information you can use on the topic of budgeting.